How To Make A Modern Relationship Last

Cause we can’t go back to the good old days

Clare Black
2 min readFeb 22, 2023
Photo by Josh Willink:

The grass is greenest where you water it.

We live in a time of limitless options. Open Tinder right now and see hundreds of potential partners. It’s too easy now to just give up when things get a little tough and move on to the next. But the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Relationships take work, and if you put in the time and effort you will see the results.

Carve out actual quality time to spend together

Netflix doesn’t count. Choose doing something with no screens. Go for a walk, play mini-golf, bake together. Choose an activity that you can both get lost in with no distractions. That’s how memories are made. That’s how relationships are strengthened.

Make sure you’re on the same path

I can’t believe the number of couples in their mid-late twenties who haven’t covered important topics. Do you both want children? Do you both not want children? How do you both feel about marriage? What about where you see yourself living in the future? If the answers to these questions aren’t aligned then I’m sorry but it’s time to face reality. Don’t waste each other's time. It’s not fair, on either…



Clare Black

Exploring how we can live different and better lives in the present and the future. Want me to write for you?