How Much I Made In My First Month As A Freelance Copywriter

It wasn’t what I was expecting

Clare Black
3 min readMar 20, 2024
Photo by Peter Olexa:

I started freelancing as a side hustle in May last year and the goal was always to turn it into my full-time gig.

Come the turn of the new year, I had had enough of my soul-sucking job, so I pushed all my chips into the centre of the table, quit my job and went all in on my freelance career.

February was my first month as a full-time freelancer… and it was a doozy.

The numbers

We all know this is why you’re here, and I don’t blame you.

Luckily for you, I’m a bit of a data nerd so I have all the figures ready.

Total number of clients

In total I worked with 3 separate clients, two were projects rolling on from previous months and the other was my old employer.

Upon leaving I had drafted a freelance contract and pitched it to them to continue the working relationship until either party decided to move on.

I figured this was a win-win, they were still getting the work from me at a reduced rate (no need to pay into my pension contributions etc) and I got financial security for a while.




Clare Black

Exploring how we can live different and better lives in the present and the future. Want me to write for you?